Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Magic of Films

The film industry is actually three disciplines coming together: Art, Technology, and Business (if you are interested in New Media issues, you might consider clicking HERE to get to my other blog: The New Media. In that blog, I try to address questions from a technology point of view. For a more "fun" approach to films, you might consider looking at film reviews--HERE (where I critique films in the context of film festivals...).

In this blog, only the marketing aspect from the above discussion will be considered from a filmmaking perspective. Then, we will go into the creation aspect of films. We have to know where we are going before we start the journey...

Broadly speaking, there is a Preproduction Phase (Screenwriting, Production Design, and Casting), a Production Phase (Directing, Art of Technique, and Cinematography), and the Post production Phase Editing, Sound Design, and Marketing/Distribution).

Before we start with the Marketing/Distribution aspect, a quick summary would not be out of place... We start with the written word--a script. Movies are, after all, a storytelling medium. From the word, we turn the script into visual art. Bringing in actors, takes the medium into the realm of performance art. A team of artists and technicians turn words into a product--thus the need for marketing and distribution. So let's start there...

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